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​"Education is the most powerful weapon which   you can use to change the world". Nelson Mandela
Our Curriculum


Teachers may have a core of written themes that can be used as ideas to help inspire them. The teachers are to watch and listen to the children and utilize their observation notes so they are in-tune with children’s interests for curriculum planning and providing the appropriate activities. The planned activities are integrated, the theme/topic carried through in the areas of pre-math, (counting, etc.), manipulative, dramatic play, science, language arts, cooking, and music therapy. Suggestions may be given to the staff as to some activities, but each room is encouraged to be creative and flexible. The topics may extend depending on the interest of the children. Toddlers have a more basic conceptual structure than that of the threes and fours and fives. The topics of interest of the children may vary in the individual classrooms. Remember when planning, the teacher is the facilitator and the child is the active learner. The teacher may assist the child by talking him through an activity and asking questions, but does not do the activity for the child. It is the process of doing an activity, not the product that helps the child learn about his/her world.


Teachers may have a core of written themes that can be used as ideas to help inspire them. The teachers are to watch and listen to the children and utilize their observation notes so they are in-tune with children’s interests for curriculum planning and providing the appropriate activities. The planned activities are integrated, i.e., the theme/topic carried through in the areas of pre-math, (counting, etc.), manipulative, dramatic play, science, language arts, cooking, and field trips. Suggestions may be given to the staff as to some activities, but each room is encouraged to be creative and flexible. The topics may extend depending on the interest of the children. Toddlers have a more basic conceptual structure than that of the threes and fours. The topics of interest of the children may vary in the individual classrooms. Remember when planning, the teacher is the facilitator and the child is the active learner. The teacher may assist the child by talking him through an activity and asking questions, but does not do the activity for the child. It is the process of doing an activity, not the product that helps the child learn about his/her world.


Magic Kingdom Day Care will increase psycho-social-emotional competence of children, develop their cognitive & intellectual skills to promote healthy habits, physical growth & creative exploration & to involve parents & guardians in the child’s education.We will provide multilingual & multicultural educational services. The Creative Curriculum develops a natural progression outward from self to others. Young children build or “construct” their knowledge of the world not simply by learning rote information rather, children participate actively in the learning process, discovering knowledge through direct experience with people, objects, events, and ideas. Our certified teachers are well trained by this curriculum and are actively involved in the classroom.


Our guiding philosophies include the following: 


  • Active participation promotes learning.

  • Respect for the individual allows the program to meet the learner at his/her own level.

  • A productive and positive relationship with peers/adults enhances the learning experience. 

  • We will encourage children to make decisions about which work they do, including planning what they want to pursue and sharing what they’ve accomplished with others. Our children will participate in a rich, multicultural curriculum that affords opportunity for hands-on and self-directed activity, multiple choices, exploration & experimentation, small and large group activities, & a variety of literary activities including storytelling, journaling, read-along tapes & dictation.They will develop problem-solving techniques, conflict resolution skills & language development in all classes.  


Magic Kingdom Day Care also uses the Critical Thinking Co.™ curriculum, committed to developing students' critical thinking skills for not only better grades, higher test scores, but overall success in life. We do not teach through drill and memorization or teach to the tests—we use this curriculum to empower the mind! The curriculum is designed to incorporate critical thinking into all our lesson plans so that students carefully analyze what they are learning. A deeper analysis produces deeper  understanding, which results in better grades and higher test scores. Over time, students who practice critical thinking learn to apply it throughout their education and lives. With this curriculum we are building a foundation for your child’s future.

Music Enrichment & Dance


This program is available for all students beginning with our Toddler group. Ms. Lena, our Music Teacher, visits Magic Kingdom twice a week. She visits each classroom, individually, every Tuesday and Thursday for 30 minutes during morning school hours. She targets motor skills, creates music awareness in children, promotes response to rhythm and increases their attention span.


Dance is an activity offered once a week to all the children attending our day care. Ms. Olga, our dance teacher, has an extensive resume. Dance is offered to all our students. Classes are every Friday. Children become more flexible and fluid. Dance class also allows your children to positively channel their energyChildren prepare recitals 4 times a year.

Gifted & Talented Test Prep



G&T programs are one way that New York City serves the educational needs of exceptional students. Though G&T programs vary in terms of instructional strategies and materials, they all deliver specialized instruction aligned to New York State Approved Learning Standards. These programs provide engaging instruction to children with exceptional academic capacity. In G&T programs, students are grouped together in a class with students of similar interests and abilities, and receive ability-appropriate instruction in all content areas. One of the main benefits of gifted education is an environment for kids where everyone is as brilliant as they are.


Kids are offered to pass free annual Gifted and Talented tests to check their eligibility for enrolling to the Gifted and Talented Program. Our G&T Preparation Program allows your child to develop, grow, and hone his or her logical reasoning skills and cognitive abilities. The program is offered to children ages 3 to 6 years old. Our staff of professional, licensed teachers uses a range of special educational materials to ensure that your child is best prepared for the exam.  Our personalized approach to learning helps our students grow—and thrive. Special gifted and talented courses, combined with a personalized learning plan, enable exceptional students to work above their grade level and achieve their highest potential in any gifted and talented program. In addition, we implement tested techniques and approaches that allow your child to set a foundation for the educational future their intellectual potential.


Arts & Crafts



Painting, coloring, sculpting, drawing, and other forms of creative art are a vital part of our child care curriculum. Creating art supports young children's development across several different domains. Using art tools helps children develop small muscle coordination and control. Children can practice thinking skills by experimenting with color, texture, and design. Art gives children an opportunity to express their ideas and feelings, relieves tension, and provides limits for self-discipline. Art allows children to achieve and expand their creativity.  





Cooking Classes


Cooking with young children is a fun and educational activity. By participating in food preparation, a young child can learn many things such as fine motor skills, nutrition, science concepts, sensory exploration, cooperation, measurement, shapes, following directions, and telling time. Cooking has been used for years as an important teaching and development tool for all ages. Hands-on cooking activities help children develop pride and confidence in their skills and abilities. The act of following a recipe can encourage self-direction and independence, while also teaching children to follow directions and use thinking skills to problem solve. Chopping, squeezing, spreading, and mixing are all cooking skills that help develop a child’s small muscle control and eye-hand coordination. It’s impossible to separate hands-on cooking activities from physical development for young children. Cooking inspires children’s curiosity, thinking, and problem solving, offering new opportunities to make predictions and observations. Additionally, cooking offers authentic opportunities for students to understand and apply their knowledge of measuring, one-to-one correspondence, numbers, and counting. As they follow a recipe, children organize ingredients, follow a sequence, and carry out multiple directions. With its own vocabulary, cooking is a great opportunity for language development. Take advantage of opportunities for children to match pictures to words and articulate questions inspired by their new experiences. 

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